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Come Shop Our Sales

Having a growing family can be expensive.  We get it.  Every time you turn around, they need the next size up for clothes, another pair of cleats, that really awesome toy their best friend has- the list goes on and on.  We are here so you can shop for all your kids needs and wants at a fraction of the regular retail price.  And the best part is that it's all in one place!

Why shop a consignment sale instead of a garage sale?

Because you have better things to do with your time than drive around from one sale to the next, hoping for a good deal, digging through piles of stuff, trying to weed out the good from the dirty.  At St. Croix Kids Consignment, we have everything you need, it's clean, it's organized, it's fun to shop!  We are truly a one-stop shop for great deals.

Bring your list and get every item checked off!  Next size clothes?  Check!  Toys for their birthday?  Check!  Picnic Table for the deck?  Check!  Early Readers?  Winter boots?  Bouncy Seat?  Check!  Check!  and Check!  

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