St. Croix Kids Consignment
Full-Service Agreement
For busy parents who don’t have the time or desire to price & tag their own items, our “Full-Service” consignment option works great. St. Croix Kids Consignment (SCKC) will identify a Full-Service Tagger to price and tag your items, store them until the sale, bring them to the sale on your behalf and place them on the sales floor prior to the start of the sale. Plus, as a consignor, you get to shop early during our Consignor Pre-Sale, before the general public for awesome deals and the best selection.
If you are interested in dropping your items off for us to tag, please read through & complete this agreement form. We’ll then be in contact with you about setting up a time to drop off your items with our Full-Service Tagger at her house in Roberts, WI. We stop accepting full-service items approximately 4 week prior to the next sale, unless our Tagger has additional time/space for more items.
If you have any questions about our Full-Service Program or if it is closer to the next sale than 4 weeks and you are wondering if we have space available, just email us at